Körnerpick Chick-Starter Pellets
Complete Feed
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Complete feed for breeding chick

Complete feed for a healthy start into life, GMO-free · also suitable for poultry such as geese and ducks

Our GMO-free Chick-Starter Pellets provide young chicks with a healthy and balanced diet right from the outset. After hatching, the most exciting – but also the most crucial – phase in the life of your chicken begins, as this is when the basis for a long and healthy life is established. During the rearing phase, the chicks depend on many important nutrients. Our Chick-Starter Pellets will provide your young chicks with sufficient protein for steady bone development, many vitamins for healthy organs and minerals for feather growth and condition. Our pellets are ideally sized at 2mm and will prevent your chicks from being able to select individual components from the feeding trough, thereby ensuring that they are provided with a balanced supply of nutrients.
Our Chick-Starter Pellets are also suitable for feeding geese and ducks.

The benefits at a glance:

  • GMO-free chick feed
  • extra small pellets in 2mm size
  • particularly tasty
  • rich in important nutrients for healthy growth
  • also suitable for poultry such as geese & ducks

Soybean extruded meal (GMO-free) from hulled seed, steam-heated
pšeničné otruby
Wheat gluten feed
Vegetal fatty acids
uhličitan vápenatý
Monocalcium phosphate
chlorid sodný
fosforečnan sodnovápenatý
Hrubý protein 18,50 %
Hrubý popel 5,50 %
Hrubá vláknina 4,00 %
Hrubé oleje a tuky 4,00 %
Vápník 1,00 %
Fosfor 0,65 %
Sodík 0,16 %
Lysin 1,05 %
Methionin 0,42 %
vitamin A (3a672a) NA 10.000,00 I.E.
vitamin D3 (3a671) NA 3.000,00 I.E.
vitamin E (3a700i) NA 70,00 mg
měď jako síran měďnatý pentahydrát (3b405) NA 10,00 mg
železo jako síran železnatý monohydrát (3b103) NA 30,00 mg
zinek jako oxid zinečnatý (3b603) NA 60,00 mg
mangan jako oxid manganatý (3b502) NA 80,00 mg
jód jako jodičnan vápenatý, bezvodý (3b202) NA 1,20 mg
selen jako seleničitan sodný (3b801) NA 0,30 mg
L-lysine as L-lysine-sulphate (3c324) NA 1.433,00 mg
Butylhydroxytoluol (BHT) (E 321) TA 17,00 mg
Propyl gallate (E 310) TA 7,00 mg
Zitronensäure (E330) TA
Ameisensäure (1k236) TA
Propionic acid (1k280)
Sepiolit (E562) 29,40 mg

NA = Nutritional additives
ZA = Zoological additives
TA = Technological additives
SA = Sensorischer Zusatzstoffe
Změny vyhrazeny


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal

Tel: +49 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
E-Mail: info@eggersmann.info

Dustributor pro ČR

Tekro, spol. s r.o.,
Višňová 2/484, 140 00 Praha 4
tel: 724 123 708, 241 022 111
Web: www.eggersmann-krmivo.cz
Email: info@eggersmann-krmivo.cz



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